I am a Brazilian lady, groomed by a so called “Christian man” a wolf on sheeps clothing. cutting long story short, after a 6 month real face to face dating in the UK, he porposed and as in love got married straight away. He then confesses he was a porn addicted which I found true by accidentally opende his ipode to listen to musec while cleaning up and there was PornHug and young people naked displayed. i was alone in the UK, married a unatic who soon choked me on the 11th Jan2015. I denouced itto the police which dismissed it as lack of proof.

[The below submission has been edited to preserve anonymity, relevance or clarity.]

TRIGGER WARNING: “Please be mindful when deciding on whether to read these stories that they are emotionally impactful and may be triggering. Within people’s accounts, there is mention of rape, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, child sexual abuse, other forms of abuse and violence, self-harm and suicide. There are various helplines available for support.